Ghee roasted Banana


Aroma reminiscent of your childhood or one that will create memories for your children, Sarda Farms Ghee is made with tender loving care. Our cow milk ghee is 100% pure, antibiotic & hormone free.
Ghee roasted banana is a quick and delicious snack that will instantly take you back to your childhood. Simple & unpretentious this is a great snack to satiate kids hunger pangs. You can also top pancakes or your favourite ice cream with Ghee roasted Bananas.

Yields3 Servings
Total Time5 mins
 2 ripe but firm medium sized Bananas
 2 tablespoon Sarda Farm ghee (or as required to roast Bananas)
 1 tbsp powdered sugar mixed with a small pinch of cinnamon powder


1. Slice the Bananas.

2. Heat a non-stick grill pan.

3. Drizzle some ghee on the pan.

4. Place banana slices on the pan.

5. On medium heat roast till the underside is brown. (About 1 minute. Time depends on the size of the slices and variety of banana used.)

6. Quickly, flip over the slices and cook on the other side till brown. For your convenience, cook the slices in batches.

7. Turn off the heat and place them on a serving dish.

8. Sprinkle Cinnamon-sugar mixture on the roasted slices.
Serve immediately.

If the bananas are very small slice them lengthwise.
Quick cooking is the key, so that the banana slices do not turn mushy.
For a variation you can drizzle honey or sprinkle black pepper powder instead of Cinnamon-sugar mixture


 2 ripe but firm medium sized Bananas
 2 tablespoon Sarda Farm ghee (or as required to roast Bananas)
 1 tbsp powdered sugar mixed with a small pinch of cinnamon powder




1. Slice the Bananas.

2. Heat a non-stick grill pan.

3. Drizzle some ghee on the pan.

4. Place banana slices on the pan.

5. On medium heat roast till the underside is brown. (About 1 minute. Time depends on the size of the slices and variety of banana used.)

6. Quickly, flip over the slices and cook on the other side till brown. For your convenience, cook the slices in batches.

7. Turn off the heat and place them on a serving dish.

8. Sprinkle Cinnamon-sugar mixture on the roasted slices.
Serve immediately.

If the bananas are very small slice them lengthwise.
Quick cooking is the key, so that the banana slices do not turn mushy.
For a variation you can drizzle honey or sprinkle black pepper powder instead of Cinnamon-sugar mixture


Ghee roasted Banana

11,507 thoughts on “Ghee roasted Banana”

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    The world of digital assets is ever-evolving, filled with excitement and complexity.
    As new innovations emerge, so do challenges that need addressing.
    Understanding the intricacies is vital. Many users want to protect their
    investments while navigating this dynamic environment.
    Staying informed is not just beneficial; it’s essential.

    The landscape is teeming with opportunities, but also
    threats. Awareness is your first line of defense. Regularly monitoring advancements can help
    shield against risks. Knowledge is power. By keeping up with developments, you’re not just
    reacting; you’re anticipating.
    In this article, we will delve into recent enhancements and crucial practices that can fortify your position. We’ll explore
    how various techniques have evolved, reflecting the changing demands of this vibrant ecosystem.
    It’s about more than just staying safe; it’s about thriving amidst challenges, ensuring
    that your assets remain intact while you navigate through the
    ups and downs of market fluctuations.
    Ultimately, combining awareness with proactive measures will pave the
    way for a more secure experience. The journey is ongoing, and every
    bit of information counts. Let’s explore this complex subject
    Latest Trends in Cryptocurrency Security
    As digital currencies continue to advance, so does the need
    for robust protective measures. The digital landscape is
    evolving rapidly, presenting new challenges to users and developers alike.
    Security concerns are more paramount than ever. Innovative strategies are emerging to counteract potential threats.
    It’s essential to stay informed and adapt to
    these changes.
    One of the most notable developments is the rise of decentralized solutions.

    Users are exploring ways to enhance their protection without relying solely on centralized entities.
    This shift is fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among individuals.
    Moreover, advanced technologies like biometric
    authentication are gaining popularity, making unauthorized access increasingly
    Experts predict the integration of artificial intelligence into protective frameworks will revolutionize the field.
    By analyzing patterns, AI can identify suspicious activities and alert users in real-time.
    This proactive approach could minimize risks significantly.
    Additionally, community-driven initiatives are expanding, empowering users to
    collaborate on safety measures and share knowledge.

    As the digital divide narrows, the demand for safer practices will only intensify.
    More individuals are recognizing the importance of enhancing personal accountability.
    Educational programs are surfacing, aiming to inform users about potential vulnerabilities.
    Staying ahead of malicious actors requires vigilance, understanding, and collaboration within the community.

    Common Vulnerabilities in Blockchain Systems
    Many assume that decentralized networks are impervious to attacks.
    However, weaknesses exist, lurking beneath the surface.
    Blockchain technologies, while revolutionary, are not infallible.
    They face various threats that can compromise their integrity.
    Identifying these risks is crucial for ensuring robust performance.

    One prevalent issue is the notorious 51% attack. If a single entity controls the majority of the network’s hash rate, they can manipulate transactions.
    This leads to double spending and a loss of trust in the system.
    Furthermore, smart contracts can harbor bugs that may be exploited.
    Coding errors create opportunities for malicious actors.

    Another significant concern is the reliance on oracles.

    These components provide external data to smart contracts, making them vulnerable to manipulation. A
    compromised oracle can skew outcomes, leading to unintended consequences.
    In addition, humans often introduce errors. Phishing attacks targeting users are a common tactic used
    by cybercriminals.
    The interplay between technology and user interaction makes
    this landscape unpredictable. Mismanagement of private keys can result
    in irreversible losses. Decentralized applications, while beneficial,
    can also expose sensitive information. Relying solely on technology without proper oversight can lead to dire
    In essence, understanding these vulnerabilities is essential.
    Continuous monitoring and improvement can significantly reduce risks.
    Regular assessments help in identifying flaws before they can be exploited.
    As the ecosystem evolves, so too must our strategies for safeguarding it.

    Protecting Your Digital Assets Effectively
    In today’s digital landscape, safeguarding your online investments is
    crucial. You’re not just storing numbers on a screen; you’re holding
    value that requires careful attention. It’s easy to get
    swept up in the excitement. However, neglecting protection can lead
    to dire consequences. Ensuring the integrity of your belongings involves a
    series of thoughtful and proactive measures.
    First, consider multi-layered defenses. Utilize robust passwords that combine letters, numbers, and
    symbols. Regularly changing passwords can halt unauthorized access.
    Additionally, employing two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of defense.
    This simple step significantly enhances your safety against
    Be wary of phishing attempts. Such schemes can be
    incredibly sophisticated and convincing. Always verify the source of emails or messages before acting on them.
    Keep your software and applications up to date, as these updates often contain patches against vulnerabilities that hackers exploit.
    The smallest oversight can lead to major setbacks.

    A crucial component of safeguarding your holdings involves education. Understanding potential risks prepares you
    to face challenges head-on. Many investors lack awareness about current threats.

    Participate in online forums or educational workshops to stay informed.
    Community knowledge is a powerful tool and can provide valuable insights.

    Don’t underestimate the importance of storing your assets wisely.

    Consider using hardware wallets for long-term storage.
    These physical devices protect your funds from
    online risks. Cloud storage can be convenient,
    but it often presents more challenges than benefits. Diversifying your
    storage options can create a balance between accessibility and protection, ultimately giving you peace of mind.

    Ultimately, vigilance is key. Regularly monitor your accounts for any unusual activity.

    Adopt a proactive stance on your investments to minimize risks.
    By treating your digital assets with the same seriousness as physical possessions,
    you increase their longevity and your own sense of
    security. In this constantly evolving digital environment, a well-informed
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